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Treasure Hunt at Sha Tin Public Library

 Event Schedule


Event Schedule

L04 | Treasure Hunt at Sha Tin Public Library (Completed)

The types of activities will vary according to the academic level of target students.  This programme mainly consists of four sessions:

  1. Fun Journey to the library: Librarian will guide visitor to explore each section of the Library.
  2. Exploring the library resources: Introduction and demonstrations on library facilities including the Library Catalogue, Electronic resources, Multimedia Information System, Internet search and self-charging and returning services.
  3. Library Games: Games and Quizzes to test your knowledge on library services and facilities.
  4. Reading Fun: We all love listening story. You can share your fun of reading in this activity, too. 

21.9 | 26.10 | 23.11 | 21.12.2022 (Wed)
18.1 | 15.2 | 29.3 | 26.4 | 24.5 | 21.6 | 19.7.2023 (Wed)
Extension Activities Room, Sha Tin Public Library
2:30pm - 4:30pm
P.1 - P.6 students
2 hours
Capacity per performance


Conducted in Cantonese