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Magical Circle of Cantonese Opera for the Family – Truth, Virtue, Beauty

 Event Schedule


Event Schedule

Magical Circle of Cantonese Opera for the Family – Truth, Virtue, Beauty

Susan Arts World


Cantonese Opera Demonstrations, Performances & Interactive Learning
Cantonese Opera Seminars
Cantonese Opera Exhibitions
Cantonese Opera Workshops
(Programmes are conducted in Cantonese)

Project period: May 2024 to Feburary 2025

Production Team

Artistic Director/Project Coordinator: Yum Tsz-yu

Details of the Programme尸

Please refer to the website of Susan Arts World

About the Group

Established in 2006 by Susan Pau, Susan Arts World aims to promote the art of Chinese opera and Cantonese opera education.  The group frequently holds workshops, seminars and courses on Cantonese opera in universities, secondary schools and primary schools, promoting and introducing the art of Cantonese opera by teaching the four techniques and principles of Cantonese opera: singing, reciting, acting and martial arts.

About the Programme

The project promotes and introduces the basic skills of singing, reciting, acting and martial arts, as well as the imaginary, aesthetic and technical nature of Cantonese opera through Cantonese opera demonstrations, performances, workshops, seminars and interactive activities.  By leading the audience into the world of Cantonese opera, the project will acquaint them with the artistic value of ‘spreading reason with truth, enlightening people with virtues, and nurturing the heart with beauty’, and enhance their aesthetic and appreciation skills.  Participants will not only experience the healing power of Cantonese opera for the mind and body but will also find joy in a beautiful way of enjoyment.

The programme is also one of the activities in the Chinese Culture Promotion Series. The LCSD has all along promoted Chinese history and culture through organising an array of programmes and activities to enable the public learn more about broad and profound Chinese culture. For more information, please visit www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ccpo/index.html.


9260 2248 (Ms Fok)/ 9196 1132 (Ms Au)




The presenter reserves the right to substitute performers, speakers, instructor, and change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary